Monday, July 12, 2010

What is the probability that next child will be type O if only the D gene for the Rh group?

In humans, the ABO and Rh are under the control of autosomal genes. If two parents who are both type A positive, produce a child who is type O negative, what is the probability that their child will be type O positive when considering only the D gene for the Rh group?
the chance is 3/4 or 75% because if they had a child who was O- that means they both have + and - for their D genes. so if you make a punnet square with two heterozygous for the D gene (one + and one -) you would come out with the posibilities of the child being ++,+-,+-, or - - which means that three out of four of their children will be positive for the D gene.%0D%0A

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