Monday, March 30, 2009

Which is better crop for someone new to farming?

I have an opportunity to buy productive farm land. So far it's been used for cattle feed crops, mainly corn. Would it be better to stay with this type of crops or maybe change to more human-edible, mixed crops? What about herbs and medicinal plants?

know your customer.

the farmer before you knew his the cow

now if you stay with cow crops you will probably sell to farmers

and if you grow consumer crops will you sell to a store or have your own farm stand

growing medicinal plants and herbs is profitable but would have to find a market for them

You should probably check what's selling well (or more likely, what will sell well when you harvest your crop) and which of the best selling (most profit for you) crops have a market nearby where you can sell the crop. Don't let your profit be eaten up by transport costs. Also, as was pointed out earlier, don't let your profit be eaten up by a crop which is labor intensive (which will cost more).

Experiment, but I don't grow any crop until I know where I can sell it. What would be the point if you didn't have a market.

you need to look at the economy and see what crop would be the most profitable

Grow the herb. Its a cash crop then you got $ to grow whatever you want

those are very labor intensive crops. I like to plant oats very easy on your land low inputs

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